Skills To Get A Boyfriend

Blissful with Brenda
4 min readNov 21, 2021

Most girls sit around waiting for the person who is meant for them, doing nothing but hoping for the best. They believe, like most love stories they see on television, that destiny will lead their "future" boyfriend to them and that they won't have to make an effort to find them.

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The truth is, however, that this is not the best way to meet the love of your life. In fact, waiting and doing nothing may cause you to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you don’t want this to happen, you’ll need to figure out how to practically get a boyfriend.

If you are wondering what skills to get a boyfriend you need to have, the first thing you need to do is consider what you want a boyfriend for. No, this isn’t a stupid question. The way you go about finding a guy might depend on what you are looking for in a relationship. Frankly, you will do things differently if you are looking for Mr. Right than you might if you were just looking for Mr. Right Now. While I don’t recommend lowering your standards ever, you may not worry too much if you’re just looking for someone to hang out with rather than a potential long term partner.

Right now, I’m going to assume that you’re looking for someone that may turn into a someone special. The advice I’m about to give you is going on that assumption. It’s not that these tips can’t work for a more casual boyfriend, they can and do, it’s just that you shouldn’t use anything less than these tactics if you want your relationship to go the distance.

Here you go:

1. For the love of all that's good, be yourself. We all know that when we first meet someone we put our best foot forward, and that's ok. What you absolutely don't want to do is put on a false front. It's one thing to remember to always say please and thank you and not burp in front of Mr. Who Knows when you first meet him, but it's something else entirely to completely change the way you act.

For example, when you first meet someone don't say you like to bowl if you don't. Don't say you like martial arts movies if you don't. And don't say you hate going to museums if you really love to go. The point is that you'll never let him get to know the real you if you aren't acting like the real you. Be yourself.

2. Don’t go overboard with the compliments. If you think he has a great smile then tell him that but don’t hang on his every word like you just met Johnny Depp. It’s one thing to be attentive it’s quite another to be a cling on. Be sincere in your praise and don’t overdo it.

3. Don’t just sit around letting him do all the talking. For one thing, if the guy is happy spending the whole night talking about himself he may be too self absorbed to ever be a good match for you. If he doesn’t like to do all the talking he’ll get bored if you don’t contribute to the conversation. Learn how to give and take in a conversation so that you can each get to know the other.

4. Be Confident and Show it

Even if inside you feel desperate and lonely, I want you to work toward projecting total confidence. It can take time, so if you don’t feel confident today, realize you need to work up to it. But men love confident women. A confident woman seems like she can take care of herself. She doesn’t appear to need a man but rather wants one in her world.

A confident woman is sexy. Desirable. Worth putting effort into winning over.

Don’t you want to come off as that woman?

I thought so.

Here are a few ways you can boost your confidence and improve your ability to get a boyfriend:

  • Smile at yourself in the mirror. Tell yourself you are beautiful every time you see your reflection. No one has to hear you!
  • Wear clothes you feel amazing in, even if you’re just going to the grocery store
  • Pull your shoulders back when you walk.
  • Pretend you own the place when you walk into a room.

5. Talk with him.

It’s important to interact. Talk with him when you run into each other, and find reasons to talk more often. The more you talk, the closer you’ll become, and this is a great way to build a friendship that can turn into something more.

Here’s How To Make Any Man Obsessed With You

The truth is there aren’t really special skills to get a boyfriend. If you want a relationship built on attraction, mutual interests, and trust (which is the best way to make sure it will last) than just follow the hints I’ve given you and you’ll be just fine. Enjoy!

Now Pay Attention to this - I probably shouldn’t reveal this to you, but I want to help because I was just like you not long ago. Take 2 minutes to check out this page You’ll discover stunning tactics that will show you how to catch any man, make him fall in love with you and give you the world. These psychological tricks are extremely powerful when used right. I urge you to read everything on that page before it’s too late... Get any Guy

Images from unsplash



Blissful with Brenda

Lifestyle writer | Endlessly curious | A mom to 2 girls navigating her way through life. I love writing about love, relationships and business.