Selfcare Practices For Every Christian

Blissful with Brenda
6 min readJul 3, 2023

I’m writing this article reminder to all my Christian friends whom I love so dearly💕.

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, self-care has become an essential aspect of maintaining one’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

For Christians, self-care goes beyond conventional practices and encompasses nurturing a relationship with God and aligning oneself with biblical principles.

By prioritizing self-care, Christians can enhance their overall health, strengthen their faith, and become better equipped to serve others.

Disclaimer : this will be a long one and worth all your time. 😊

Here are 4 self-care practices that are particularly meaningful for Christian individuals.

At the beginning of this year I dedicated myself to live a better and Godly life, and since then I’ve been trying to incorporate these practices in my daily life and my life has been better and more enjoyable.

I feel like I’m drawing closer to God and I’m slowly becoming a better version of myself. But with all honesty it’s not easy, it takes courage and really dying to the flesh. [you might be thinking “what is dying to the flesh?” well thats a story for another day]

So today (whenever you’ll come across it) I will share with you 4 of the best practices to start ASAP

1.Daily Scripture Study and Prayer:
One of the most vital self-care practices for Christians is the regular study of Scripture and spending quality time in prayer.

Reading your Bible and spending intentional time praying are 2 fundamentals for nurturing a deep relationship with God and fostering your spiritual growth as a Christian woman or man.

Studying the Bible daily is super duper crucial for Christian self-care because it allows us to immerse ourselves in God’s Word, gain spiritual nourishment, and deepen our understanding of His truth and principles.

The Bible is seen as the inspired and authoritative Word of God, providing guidance, wisdom, and comfort to us believers.

Engaging in daily Scripture study can take different forms depending on personal preferences and available resources.

It may be reading a specific portion or chapter of the Bible, following a Bible reading plan, studying a particular book or topic in depth, or using devotional guides.

Additionally, reflecting on and applying the lessons learned from the Word in your daily life is key for personal growth and transformation.

Tip : I love to have my journal and sticky notes in handy so I can write down any verse that I liked and how I want to implement it in my own life.

This is so helpful for me when I want to meditate more on a particular Scripture.

Now looking at what prayer does to one self :

It allows for direct communication and communion with God.

Prayer is a powerful means of expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, finding comfort, and experiencing God’s presence.

Through prayer, believers can share their joys, concerns, and burdens with God, seeking His intervention and surrendering to His will.
Praying can take various forms, including private prayers, intercessory, corporate, and contemplative prayers.

Can be done silently, aloud, individually, or in a group setting. As Christians we are encouraged to pray with sincerity, humility, and persistence, trusting in God’s faithfulness and acknowledging His sovereignty.

Furthermore, prayer can be integrated into daily routines and moments of solitude, such as in the morning or before sleep.

I sometimes find myself engaging in little prayers throughout the day as I get busy with whatever I’m doing.

This allows me to have continual conversation with God, offering thanksgiving, seeking guidance, and finding strength in various situations.

If you prioritize prayer in your daily routine, it can be so much fun.

2. Sabbath Rest

In a culture that promotes constant busyness and productivity, observing a regular Sabbath rest is crucial for Christian self-care.

The concept of Sabbath originates from the Bible, specifically from the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai. Exodus 20:8-11 states{ read it }

The Sabbath is a day of rest and rejuvenation, dedicated to worship, reflection, and spending time with loved ones.

By intentionally setting aside a day for rest, we honor God’s commandments, prioritize our well-being, and experience a much-needed break from the demands of daily life.

The Sabbath provides an opportunity to reconnect with God, reflect on His goodness, and nurture the spiritual dimension of our lives.

In addition to Exodus 20:8-11, there are several other passages in the Bible that reinforce the importance of Sabbath rest. Here are a few examples:

Matthew 11:28-30:
In this verse, Jesus invites those who are burdened and weary to find rest in Him. Honoring the Sabbath allows Christians to lay their burdens before Him, find solace in His presence, and experience spiritual refreshment.

Go ahead and read Isaiah 58:13-14, Mark 2:27-28, Matthew 11:28-30

So looking at these verses, they emphasize the importance of delighting in the Sabbath and refraining from self-centered pursuits.

By honoring the Sabbath, we believers can find true joy and fulfillment in our relationship with God.

Observing the Sabbath can mean various forms for different individuals, but the central idea is to set aside a day each week for rest, worship, and spiritual restoration.
This may include attending church services, {some of us do it on Sundays and others Saturdays} , engaging in personal or family worship, spending time in prayer and meditation, reading the Word, pursuing activities that bring joy and relaxation, and also disconnecting from work or technology.

Ultimately, Sabbath rest enables us to recharge our spiritual batteries, deepen our faith, and experience God’s presence in a meaningful way.

3. Engaging in Community

In addition to taking Sabbath rest, Christians are advised to engage in faith community, this helps us foster meaningful relationships

When we engaging with fellow believers it provides a sense of belonging, support, and encouragement.

Actively participating in a local church or small group offers opportunities for fellowship/ swallowship( as we like to call it in my own faith group), worship and service.

So many activities such as volunteering, attending Bible studies, or participating in prayer groups not only strengthens one’s faith but also foster emotional well-being through authentic connections with others.

As we look in Scriptures and at Paul’s letters, he kept emphasizing and encouraging believers to buid one another up and uplift each other to be better.

He kept encouraging believers to consider how to spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

He made it clear to the Roman church that we as believers are called to be members of one another, using our gifts to serve our community.

The concept of the body of Christ is so clear on how each member has a unique function and role to play.

Scriptures to look at on your own { Acts 2:42-47, Hebrews 10:24-25, Romans 12:4-5, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Galatians 6:2)

4. Taking Care of the Temple

For us Sons and Daughters self-care can also include caring for our body, which is considered the temple of the Holy Spirit.
We are advised to prioritize our physical health through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient rest because it’s an important part of self-care.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only honors God’s gift of life but also enables individuals to serve Him more effectively.

By adopting habits such as mindful eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, Christians can enhance their physical well-being and have the energy and vitality to fulfill their purpose.

There are verses in the Bible which teaches us on how we are to take of ourselves.

Looking at 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, we see that Paul reminds the Corinthian believers that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.

They are called to honor God with their bodies because they have been redeemed by Him. Yes we have been redeemed by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and we should honor him by being kind to ourselves.

This verse emphasizes the importance of treating our bodies with respect and care as an act of worship and gratitude.

And also looking at
1 Corinthians 10:31:
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

Paul was encouraging the Corinthians to approach all aspects of life, including eating and drinking, with the intention of glorifying God.

This verse reminds us that even our dietary choices can be an act of worship and self-care.

Nourishing the body with healthy and wholesome foods can contribute to overall physical well-being and allow us to better serve God.

Because as believers that is all that we desire, nothing else.


You might ask “Brenda why did you even write this because not all here on medium are believers.”

Jesus said everyone on the side of the truth will listen to him.

I hope after reading this article you decide to walk in the truth and embrace it and do as God wants you to do. 🌸 Because the truth will always be the truth and nothing will change this no matter our circumstances.

I hope my post will help you in your own journey. 🤍

Ooh by the way do not be stingy with those claps heey, you can clap as many times as you want I don’t mind 😊



Blissful with Brenda

Lifestyle writer | Endlessly curious | A mom to 2 girls navigating her way through life. I love writing about love, relationships and business.